
Introduction To IPV4 And Its Classes


IPV4 or Internet Protocol Version 4 is an address that provides a unique identity to the devices on the Internet and Intranet.  For Example (Non-Technical) Two people from different countries want to talk to each other with their mobile phones but if they don’t own a phone number, they can’t be able to contact each other likewise If we want to communicate on the Internet or Intranet, we need a special address (

IPV4 address is 32 bits and is divided into four equal parts/octets. Each part has 8 bits. So, each octet has a range of 0-255(2^8=256) as here we are counting from 0 that’s why we are taking it to 255.

Now IP is further divided into two parts-

  1. Public IP Address
  2. Private IP Address

Classes of IPV4

IPV4 is divided into further 5 Classes and each class has its use and property

  • Class A (0-127)
  • Class B (128-191)
  • Class C (192-223)
  • Class D (224-239)
  • Class E (240-255)

Now, one question strikes our mind: How will we know that this IP address is of which class? The Answer is by seeing their First octet/part if the number lies in between the range it belongs to that class

For Ex- by looking at this IP address the highlighted number 10 is in the first part/octet. Now we must check from the range that 10 lies in which class. The answer is Class A i.e. (0-127).

Class A

  • This Class range lies from 0-127.
  • This Class is used when we are using default routing (
  • This Class is also used for LAN Card testing ( to
  • This Class is also used in DHCP Packets.
  • The private IP range is from to locally we use a private IP address but for internet access, we need a public IP address)
  • Except that all IPs are for Public IP addresses.

Class B

  • This Class range lies from 128-191.
  • This Class is used for APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing) in DHCP ( to
  • The private IP range is from to
  • Except that all IP addresses are Public IP addresses.

Class C

  • This Class range lies from 192-223.
  • This Class has no reserved IP address.
  • The private IP range is from to
  • Mostly we use this class of IP address for Communication.
  • Except that all IP addresses are Public IP addresses.

Class D

  • This Class range lies from 224-239.
  • This Class is not used for assigning IP addresses to the devices.
  • This Class is specially designed for Multicasting purposes.

Class E

  • This Class range lies from 240-255.
  • This whole class is reserved for Scientific purposes and R & D.

Nowadays we are also using the enhanced version of IPV4 which is IPV6.

Zindagi Technology is an IT Consultant Company in Delhi. We have completed a lot of projects in the Public and Private sectors. Zindagi Technologies consultants have expertise in the field of designing, building, and maintaining large-scale Networks. If you require any support, Please Contact us, drop us a message at +91-9773973971, or get in touch with us via email. Follow us on LinkedIn and be in touch with the latest technology blogs.

Abhishek Kaushik
Associate Consultant


Team ZT

Comments (2)

    May 9, 2023


  2. Travis
    September 20, 2023

    This content it’s really hopeful

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