
IT Provider Not Meeting Requirements? Time to Switch.

An organization will work flawlessly when they have the best IT provider or managed IT services provider. But what if your IT provider is not giving what they promised? How will you ask them to cooperate, so they do what they have in SOW? Or is it time to switch the IT provider?

What Signs Indicate That You Need To Switch Your IT Provider?

Are The Technology Needs Matching?

Your organization needs proactive managed services or Managed IT services, but the IT provider is giving you break-fix services. Clearly, the technology needs are not met.

What About The Security Of The Organization?

Security is the biggest issue post-pandemic as the threats have increased and so have the data leaks. If your service provider is not giving you a detailed report of the threats and security management then it’s time to look for a new provider.

Organization Future Plans

One of the most important questions is that if the current technology is providing you enough that can be taken into consideration for your future plans? Will your goals be fulfilled if you plan the process with the current IT provider?

If you have answered NO to the above questions then it’s time to change your IT provider.

How Should You Plan The Switch?

Planning a transition to a new IT provider is not easy. First, you have to look for the drawbacks and the lagging issues that have been pending for a long. Once you are done with it then you should keep the process ready that will be shared with the new IT provider.

You have to make sure that the new IT provider you are selecting is marking the ticks on the checklist that has the pros of the new provider. Also, you should know the details like technology compatibility, future organization profits, and the security management of the company. If these pointers are ok for you then you can take a step of switching.

Why Should You Choose Zindagi Technologies As Your New IT Provider?

Zindagi technologies is a renowned IT consulting company and has been giving managed IT services for a very long time. Why should you select us, we have the following reasons:

  • In our agreement, we clearly mention all the costs, terms and conditions, auto-renewal fees, and deadlines. We do not believe in hidden payments, so we keep everything documented and clear.
  • We believe in handling smooth transitions, so we update in advance.
  • We make sure that we are completely transparent with the requirements and the processes, and nothing is given out of scope. If there is something that we are not able to provide, then we may or may not provide an alternative depending on the situation.
  • We determine your needs and are clear about our objectives so that they validate with your organization too.
  • We keep our promise of being on a budget. If something extra is required, then we will keep it completely transparent.

A continuous change in the infrastructure of an organization requires continuous support and correct navigation of the services. Zindagi Technology is the Managed IT service provider and we believe that every organization needs a complete view and the best technology that will fit the needs. We provide cybersecurity, IT consulting, Datacenter services, cloud security, and management. These are just a few services to name and if you want to know more then, WhatsApp us at +91-9773973971.

Senior Content Writer


Team ZT

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