
Setting up Cisco Meeting Server – Part 2

In the last blog, we covered the basic setup of the Cisco Meeting Server. In this blog, we will discuss CMS Cluster. In this article, we will cover Database Clustering, Call Bridge clustering, and XMPP Clustering.

For database clustering, you require a minimum of 2 Cisco Meeting Servers or when you have at least 2 call bridges.

When you go through the documentation, you will find out that to make a database cluster you need a minimum of 3 CMS nodes. Do not get confused, the 3rd CMS Virtual machine can be created without a license. You do not need to license the 3rd CMS.

Database Clustering

Now to create a database cluster of CMS you need to begin with Certificates.

Step 1. Generate CSR on CMSDB node.

pki csr DBClient CN:postgres

pki csr DBserver,

Step 2. Get the CSR from WinSCP and get them signed and put the Server certificates and root certificates back through WinSCP on the CMSDB node.

Step 3. Assign certs

database cluster certs DBserver.key DBServer.cer DBClient.key DBClient.cer RoootCA.cer

database cluster localnode a

Step 4. Initialize the Database cluster.

database cluster initialize

Step 5. Now you can create separate certificates for the rest nodes and you can use the same keys and certificates on other nodes for the database cluster.

Go to CMSDB through WinSCP and copy all DBServer, DBClient keys, and Certificates and put them in the rest of CMS Nodes.

Perform step 3

Step 6. Join rest CMS nodes in a database cluster.

database cluster join <CMSDB IP ADDRESS>

Step 7. Verify the cluster status from all nodes by using the command “database cluster status

Call Bridge Clustering

Now to form a callbridge cluster, you don’t need CMSDB. We recommend that you disable the Web admin of CMSDB.

When you login to any of other CMS nodes, Go to Configuration > Cluster Settings

Add the Callbridges there using unique callbridge name, Address as “https:// <cms ip address:<web admin port>” on all nodes.

XMPP Clustering

Now to create an XMPP cluster, follow the below steps.

Step 1. In case any node has previously been configured for XMPP, reset the XMPP configuration on every node, run the next command:

xmpp reset

Step 2. Assign the XMPP domain to be used, run the next command:

xmpp domain <domain-name>

Step 3. Setup the interfaces for the XMPP server to listen on, run the next command:

xmpp listen <interface allowed list>

Step 4. Create a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for the XMPP service. To avoid client certificate errors, ensure that CSR specifies the next:

The DNS record created for XMPP is contained within the Common Name (CN) field or in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field

XMPP server’s domain name is contained in the SAN field

In order to create the CSR, run the next command:

pki csr xmppserver subjectAltName:

Step 5. Sign the CSR with the Certificate Authority (CA) of your preference.

Step 6. When the certificate is already signed, submit the file to the CMS via SFTP client of your preference.

Step 7. Assign the private key, the signed certificate, and the certificate bundle as provided by your CA. Run the next command:

xmpp certs <keyfile> <certificatefile> <cert-bundle>

Step 8. Repeat steps from 2 to 7 on the rest of the CMS servers you want to merge in the XMPP cluster.

Step 9. A certificate bundle needs to be created with all XMPP certificates for each server. There are 3 options using either Linux, Windows or manually combine them using a text editor. Make sure there are no spaces.

Step 10. Upload the bundle certificate on every CMS node.

Step 11. On every CMS node, assign the uploaded certificate using the command

xmpp cluster trust xmppbundle.cer (xmpp bundle cert name)

Step 12. Now enable the XMPP cluster

xmpp to enable

Step 13. Add callbridges to XMPP cluster

xmpp callbridge add CB_CMS01

xmpp callbridge add CB_CMS02

Step 14. Copy secret key and configure this on CMS GUI

Step 15. Disable xmpp

xmpp disable

Step 16. Enable xmpp cluster

xmpp cluster enable

Step 17. Initialize xmpp cluster

xmpp cluster initialize

Step 18. Enable xmpp

xmpp enable

Step 19. Verify the cluster status

xmpp cluster status

The above steps cover Cisco Meeting Server Database, Callbridge, and XMPP clustering. We hope this article gives you an understanding of the clustering of covered components in the Cisco Meeting Server.

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Zindagi Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is an IT consultancy and professional services organization based out of New Delhi, India. We have expertise in planning, designing, and deployment of collaboration environments, large-scale data centers, Private/Public/Hybrid cloud solutions. We believe in “Customer First” and provide quality services to our clients always.   

Rahul Bhukal
Sr. Collaboration Consultant 


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