
5 Best Tips To Improve Defensive Measures For Your Business

For everyone, having their own business is a proud moment in life. Setting up a business is not easy and running a business with complete hard work is equally difficult. When you are doing well in your work and having a good outcome then you might get exposed to cyberthreats. Not only your business is exposed to, but other businesses are also in line.

Cybersecurity is very important in all perspectives and should be practiced keeping the valuable information of the company under wraps. Security is the major aspect of the company and should be focused on attentively. If you are the owner of a well-structured and well-performing company then these are the pointers that will help you in keeping your business safe from online threats. Here are some solutions that will help in securing your business.

The Basics Should Come First

Security is something like if it is more then it is better. As cybersecurity is ever-evolving and new features are adding up more and more but the initial recommendations remain the same. Having a business-grade firewall and the best data backup solution will be a major plus point for your company.

For the perimeter security of the organization, firewall solution still remains the foremost and obligatory. For hardcore business usage, a properly designed managed firewall should be used. 

Everywhere you will hear the news of data theft and data leaks and it might get you worried. Having data backup is one of the most important security measures that should be taken by most companies. Nobody knows when the physical disaster would happen and having the data back up will give you the privilege of accessing backed-up files. In the case of any kind of emergency, if your data is backed up off-site then you will have the data at all times and can use it also.

Endpoint Protection Or Traditional Anti-Virus?

All the hype about endpoint security; is it worth it? Are the traditional anti-virus not used anymore? The answer to this question is – Yes, the traditional anti-virus solutions are still in use, but Endpoint Security is more advanced in giving multiple security solutions. Endpoint Security is able to defeat sophisticated cyberattacks and cyber leaks.

This is an unspoken truth that no security is completely theftproof and 100% as no matter what, there will be loopholes in the network. By increasing the security and combining it with endpoint security and traditional security, we can stop cyberattacks. One should have endpoint security solutions as it is pocket-friendly and important for small scale and large scale business. Zindagi Technologies will give you the right endpoint security solution and managed IT services.

Two-Factor Authentication (2fa)

The authentication process is like the more the merrier. Jokes apart, having a 2FA or 2 factor authentication can defend against malicious attacks or phishing attempts. If your organization is using Microsoft 365 then having 2FA is essential as it has critical tools.

On a personal note, and recommendation, you must have noticed the 2FA in Gmail. You should turn it on as this will help you protect your sensitive information and bank details and passwords. You don’t want the hackers to know your debit card details, do you?

Work From Home And Remote Workers

Pandemic attacked every business like a wrecking ball and an uncountable number of people started working from home. It became difficult for most of the organizations to shift the work from the office to home. Especially the data that was in the office systems was made a part of work from home positions. The data was supposed to be transferred from the office systems to either personal systems or take-home laptops, without any leaks.

This was a major issue as remote workers were using unsecured home networks and unprotected connections. Setting up VPN connections to access sensitive data and giving your employees information on how they can follow the safety procedures. The safety procedures include setting up strong passwords, guarding physical devices, secure access to sensitive data, and many more.

Instruction On Best Security Practices For Your Employees.

The year 2020-2021 has seen many leaks of the big companies and organizations. Even Facebook, Dominos, and T-Mobile were not spared. Imagine if hackers cannot spare such big companies, then think about your organizations.

The employees should be given enough knowledge on suspicious activities and malicious emails in weekly sessions or monthly. They should have a thorough knowledge of at least the basics of security.

People tend to make mistakes and these mistakes can cause a lot of money to the organizations. Systems that we use work on our instructions and one incorrect instruction will cost our company million worth of data and possible legal action against us.

As far as security for your organization is concerned, Zindagi Technologies is your one-stop destination for all your security issues. Our team comprises brilliant minds and dedicated techs who work round the clock till complete satisfaction and the right delivery of the work. If you want the best security solution for your company then we are ready to help you. Give us a call on +919773973971 and we can talk about your requirements. We understand you are a busy person then you can also drop us an email and we’ll get back to you.

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