
A highly available Kubernetes cluster ensures your applications run without outages which are required for production. In this connection, there are plenty of ways for you to choose from to achieve high availability.

This tutorial demonstrates how to configure Keepalived and HAproxy for load balancing and achieve high availability. The steps are listed below:

  1. Prepare hosts.
  2. Configure Keepalived and HAproxy.
  3. Use KubeKey to set up a Kubernetes cluster and install KubeSphere.

Cluster Architecture

The example cluster has three master nodes, three worker nodes, two nodes for load balancing and one virtual IP address. The virtual IP address in this example may also be called “a floating IP address”. That means in the event of node failures, the IP address can be passed between nodes allowing for failover, thus achieving high availability.


Prepare Hosts:

Configure Load Balancing:

Keepalived provides a VRPP implementation and allows you to configure Linux machines for load balancing, preventing single points of failure. HAProxy, providing reliable, high-performance load balancing, works perfectly with Keepalived.

As Keepalived and HAproxy are installed on lb1 and lb2, if either one goes down, the virtual IP address (i.e. the floating IP address) will be automatically associated with another node so that the cluster is still functioning well, thus achieving high availability. If you want, you can add more nodes all with Keepalived and HAproxy installed for that purpose.

Run the following command to install Keepalived and HAproxy first. (lb1 and lb2) both

apt install keepalived haproxy –y

HAproxy Configuration

  • The configuration of HAproxy is exactly the same on the two machines for load balancing. Run the following command to configure HAproxy.

vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

  • Here is an example configuration for your reference (Pay attention to the server field. Note that 6443 is the apiserver port):

vi /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg


    log /dev/log  local0 warning

    chroot      /var/lib/haproxy

    pidfile     /var/run/

    maxconn     4000

    user        haproxy

    group       haproxy


   stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats


  log global

  option  httplog

  option  dontlognull

        timeout connect 5000

        timeout client 50000

        timeout server 50000

frontend kube-apiserver

  bind *:6443

  mode tcp

  option tcplog

  default_backend kube-apiserver

backend kube-apiserver

    mode tcp

    option tcplog

    option tcp-check

    balance roundrobin

    default-server inter 10s downinter 5s rise 2 fall 2 slowstart 60s maxconn 250 maxqueue 256 weight 100

    server kube-apiserver-1 check # Replace the IP address with your own.

    server kube-apiserver-2 check # Replace the IP address with your own.

    server kube-apiserver-3 check # Replace the IP address with your own.

  • Save the file and run the following command to restart HAproxy.

systemctl restart haproxy

  • Make it persist through reboots:

systemctl enable haproxy

Keepalived Configuration

Keepalived must be installed on both machines while the configuration of them is slightly different. lb1 & lb2 both

  • Run the following command to configure Keepalived.

vi /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf



Save the file and run the following command to restart Keepalived

systemctl restart keepalived

systemctl enable keepalived

Verify High Availability

Our  lb-vip  is pinging :

Use KubeKey to Create a Kubernetes Cluster

Download KubeKey from its GitHub Release Page or use the following command directly.

curl -sfL | VERSION=v3.0.2 sh –

Make kk executable:

chmod +x kk

Create an example configuration file with default configurations. Here Kubernetes v1.22.12 is used as an example.

./kk create config –with-kubesphere v3.3.1 –with-kubernetes v1.22.12

Config main changes parts:



  – {name: master1, address:, internalAddress:, user: root, password: Testing123}

  – {name: master2, address:, internalAddress:, user: root, password: Testing123}

  – {name: master3, address:, internalAddress:, user: root, password: Testing123}

  – {name: worker1, address:, internalAddress:, user: root, password: Testing123}

  – {name: worker2, address:, internalAddress:, user: root, password: Testing123}

  – {name: worker3, address:, internalAddress:, user: root, password: Testing123}



    – master1

    – master2

    – master3


    – master1

    – master2

    – master3


    – worker1

    – worker2

    – worker3


    domain: lb.kubesphere.local

    address:   # The VIP address

    port: 6443

Start installation

./kk create cluster -f config-sample.yaml

Depending upon your resources and internet speed at the end you will see something like this:

After successfully creating the cluster restart the haproxy service in the lb1 node

After everything is set up you can find lb-vip host entry in /etc/hosts file:

Now test the high availability

Right now we have 3 master and 1 woker, I will bring down one master and let check if we can access  our kubernetes cluster via lb-vip (lb.kubesphere.local)

Before shutting down the master1

After shutting down

You can see we can still access our Kubernetes cluster :

I hope this blog will be helpful for you to understand the Core Concept of Kubernetes and Its different methodologies which we can use in a production environment.

The goal of this blog is to provide you, the reader, with a fundamental grasp of Ansible. A complete SMB or enterprise-level deployment, on the other hand, is significantly more complicated and needs solution architecture from the ground up, taking into consideration future scalability as well as real deployment and daily operations, as we all know. Zindagi Technologies offers services like a security operation centre, DevOps tools, and many more to aid you in implementing cloud-based applications successfully. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact us at +919773973971.  

Sourabh Dey

Associate Consultant – Server & Virtualization

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