
Cisco Firepower 4100 Chassis Initial Configuration And Physical Interface Configuration

Cisco Firepower

Cisco Firepower

The Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) is the first threat-focused NGFW in the industry. We can create logical devices like FTD, and ASA on Cisco Firepower. From the network to the endpoint, it provides full, unified policy management of firewall functions, application control, threat prevention, and enhanced malware protection.

Perform Initial Chassis Setup at the CLI – Cisco Firepower

We will set these details:

  • New admin password
  • Management IP address and subnet mask
  • Gateway IP address
  • Subnets from which you want to allow HTTPS and SSH access
  • Hostname
Cisco Firepower
Cisco Firepower
Cisco Firepower
Cisco Firepower

Log Into the Firepower Chassis Manager

Step 1

Enter the following URL into a browser.

       < chassis_mgmt_ip_address (which you have set initially)>

Cisco Firepower

Step 2 Enter the username admin and password.
Step 3 Click Login.
You’ve logged in, and the Overview screen of the Firepower Chassis Manager appears.

Cisco Firepower

Configure a Physical Interface

Step 1: Click Interfaces

Cisco Firepower

Step 2: To launch the Update Interface dialogue box, click the Edit () button for the interface you wish to edit.

Cisco Firepower

Step 3 Check the Enable check box.
Step 4 Choose the interface Type: Data, Mgmt.
Step 5 Choose the Speed of the interface.
Step 6 For Auto-Negotiation, click the Yes/No radio button to enable or disable it.
Step 7 Choose the Duplex of the interface.
Step 8 Click OK.

Zindagi Technologies has proven an expert in the field of Security solutions, Data canter services, cloud solutions, and managed IT services as, an IT Consultant. If you want to be secure from attacks, viruses, etc. So, you can contact us. All our doors are open to receive any solution requests. You can reach us by calling +919773973971 or sending an email to us.

Vijay Kumar
Associate Consultant


Team ZT

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